​Delta Counties Provide Public Forum - Frustrated that DWR failed to hold in-person public meetings on the Draft EIR for the Delta tunnel project, the Delta Counties Coalition and Legislative Delta Caucus co-hosted a public meeting in Hood on December 6, 2022 to provide Delta residents the opportunity to provide comments on the adequacy of the environmental analysis and mitigation measures.  More than 100 residents attended.  A transcript of the public comments will be provided to the Department of Water Resources prior to the formal comment deadline of December 16th.  On December 7th the Trinity County Board of Supervisors voted to oppose the Delta Conveyance Project and officially endorsed the letter opposing the tunnel that was adopted by the Trinity County Fish and Game Advisory Commission.

USACE Releases EIS on Delta Tunnel Project - In mid-December, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a Notice announcing the release of the federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Delta Conveyance Project for public review and comment.  The proposed action would require permission/authorization from the Corps to alter the Federal Project (levees) under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 408) (33 U.S.C. 408), to place structures and conduct work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. 403), and to discharge fill material into waters of the United States under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344).  Three public meetings will be held virtually on January 10, 12, and 18th.  The deadline to submit written comments on the proposed project is February 14, 2022.

DCP Public Comment Period Extended - When DWR released the Draft EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) in July, the deadline to submit written comments was October 27, 2022 with three online virtual hearings scheduled in September.  On September 20th, DWR released a Change Sheet for the DCP Draft EIR and three days later announced extension of the public comment period to December 16, 2022. 

DWR Amends 404 Permit for Delta Tunnel Project - On November 22, 2021, the Department of Water Resources submitted a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requesting to amend the 404 Permit for the Delta Conveyance Project to formally identify the “Bethany Alternative” as the preferred project that will be analyzed in the Draft EIR expected to be released in mid-2022.​​​​​

Delta Conveyance Project Comments - April 17, 2020 was the deadline to submit scoping comments on Notice of Preparation for the new single tunnel Delta Conveyance Project (DCP).  Comment letters were submitted by NDWA and many others.



Delta Conveyance Project (DCP)

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