North Delta Water Agency Logo


Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
2:00 p.m.
Teleconference Only

Consistent with AB 361, this meeting will be conducted by teleconference. The public may attend the meeting remotely and offer public comments by Zoom or by telephone, using the call-in information provided below. The Board may utilize different call-in information for any Closed Session items. The call-in information for the Board and members of the public for this board meeting is as follows:

The call-in information for the Board and members of the public for this board meeting is as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 7239 2243
Passcode: 999392
Dial In:

888 475 4499 US Toll-free

833 548 0276 US Toll-free

833 548 0282 US Toll-free

877 853 5257 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 883 7239 2243
Passcode: 99392

Any member of the public on the telephone may speak during the Public Comment Period, Agenda Item #5, or may email public comments to and all comments will be read aloud during the meeting. During this period of modified Brown Act compliance, NDWA will use its best efforts to swiftly resolve requests for reasonable modifications or accommodations for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and will resolve any doubt whatsoever in favor of accessibility.

 *** Note: Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda ***

1. Call to Order
     Steve Mello, Chairman

2. Administrative Action

     Melinda Terry, Manager
     A. Remote Meeting - ACTION: Approve Resolution Extending Modified Brown Act Requirements to Allow Continuance of Remote Meetings Pursuant AB 361

3. Closed Session

         Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will Meet in Closed Session with Legal Counsel to Discuss the Following Items:
              i. Initiation of litigation - three potential cases.

         Property: Water entitlements under 1981 NDWA-DWR Contract
         Agency Negotiator: Melinda Terry

         Negotiating Parties: Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency
         Under Negotiation: Terms of Transaction

4. Closed Session Report
A. Reconvene Open Session and Provide Summary of Any Action Taken by the Board on Items Discussed with Legal Counsel in Closed Session. 

5. Public Comment

6. Announcements

7. Adjournment

October 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Agenda