February 5, 2020 Agenda

North Delta Water Agency Logo


Board of Directors Meeting
3050 Beacon Blvd., Suite 203, West Sacramento
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
9:30 a.m.


*** Note: Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda ***

1. Call to Order



     Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9, the Board will meet in Closed Session with legal counsel to discuss the following items:

        i.Litigation regarding WaterFix Environmental Impact Report under CEQA, attorney fees recovery. (Gov. Code 54956.9(d)(1));
        ii.Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9– (three cases).

3. Closed Session Report

4.  Approval of December 4, 2019 Minutes 

      Item 4 December 4, 2019 Minutes

5.  Appointment of Officers

      A.  ACTION: Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
      B.  ACTION: Appointment of Treasurer.

6. Financial Report
      A. Receive Fiscal Reports.

          Item 6A. Documents Exhibit AExhibit B  -   Exhibit C  -  Exhibit D
    B. NDWA Assessments – Update on collections and delinquencies.

7. Engineer Report
      A. Water Quality Update.

8. Legal Report
      A. Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) – Notice of Preparation, Scoping Comments.

      B. Update on Delta Water Quality Plan – Release of Voluntary Agreements and associated modeling.

 9. Manager Report
      A. Report on correspondence – NDWA comment letters on EIR for SWP Long-Term Operations and Mitigated Negative Declaration for Delta Soils        Investigation (drilling).
      B. Report on meetings and presentations – Employee annual reviews and meeting with Delta Watermaster on new point of diversion at Fremont                    Weir. 

10.  Delta Activities Report
       A. SWRCB/Delta Watermaster – Updates on water measurement and diversion report requirements and enforcement, consumptive use study, and                other ongoing activities.
       B. Delta Conveyance – Delta drilling EIR comments submitted, develop comments on Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) Notice of Preparation.
       C. State Water Project – Comment letter submitted on SWP Long-Term Ops EIR.
       D. Delta Habitat – Develop comments on Lookout Slough EIR.
       E. Delta Conservancy Activities.
       F. Delta Protection Commission (DPC) Activities.
       G. Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) Activities.

11.  Announcements

  • Feb 7 – Deadline to comment on Governor’s Water Resilience Portfolio
  • Feb 14 – Deadline to comment on Lookout Slough Habitat Restoration EIR
  • Feb 20 – Delta Design & Construction Authority mtg, 828-I St, Sacramento, 2:00 pm
  • Feb 27 - DSC meeting, 980-9th St, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, 9:00 am
  • March 19 – Delta Protection Commission meeting, Stockton, 5:30 pm
  • March 20 – Deadline to comment on NOP for Delta Conveyance Project (DCP)
  • March 26 - DSC meeting, location TBD, 9:00 am
  • April 1 - NDWA Board Meeting, location TBD, 9:30 am

12.  Public Comment

13. Adjournment